Der lange Weg der Türken

The Long Journey. 1500 Years of Turkish Cultures.
13 September 2003 to 29 February 2004
Linden-Museum Stuttgart

With the special exhibition "The Long Journey: 1500 Years of Turkish Cultures" the Linden-Museum Stuttgart has chosen a pertinent topic in today's world, one relevant to the expansion of the European Union into eastern Europe. The history of Turkish Cultures has been particularly influenced by migration and by socio-cultural and religious diversity and, this being so, has contained mechanisms to deal with this meeting of different cultures. The aim of the exhibition is to provide a comprehensive insight of this history that can assist in deepening German-Turkish dialogue today.
This exhibition presents a unique and comprehensive overview of the manifestations of Turkish cultures and empires from their beginnings in the 6th century AD in Central Asia going on through westasian area to the ottoman and republican Turkey, starting with art and culture of the Ghaznavids and Seljuks. An important component exhibits the new artistic impulses that resulted from the encounter of Seljuk art with the emerging Ottoman culture, and also discusses Ottomans' pivotal historical and cultural place in Asia Minor and the Balkans. The exhibition also shows the interweaving between aspects of culture such as the religious and the profane. In the section showing the 19th and 20th centuries Ottoman Empire-Turkish Republic the ethnic and religious diversities of a multicultural society are introduced.
The priceless artifacts, ceramics, textiles, and calligraphy on display are from the collections of the Linden-Museum and museums such as the Museum for Islamic Art, Berlin and the State Museum for Ethnology, Munich. Also included in the exhibition is a typical element of daily life in Turkish culture, a shadow puppet theatre, Karagöz.
The catalogue is set out as a reader for Turkish history and combines a wealth of images with academic contributions following the exhibition concepts. It looks at the multi-religious and multi-cultural concerns of Turkish art and culture. It also looks at the positive strengths of migration, an enriching element in Turkish history that this exhibition hopes will encourage and stimulate a more open attitude towards the phenomena of migration and multiculturalism in our own society.


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